Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Breadth 7

This was a very interesting film. I really enjoy the fact that they have a story to go withtheir pictures. Every picture tells you something different. I also liked how they didn't only photograph happy things or nice things but they photographed not so nice things as well, photos that really reach out and send a message such as the soldier and the slumps and the africa pictures with the elephants.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Breadth 6

NY times:

Obama: These photos of Obama are very, very personalbe. They are up close and they definately make you think. It looks like these photos are staged but they're not! There is alot of very good shots.

Cheney: The photo of Cheney is not very personable and it doesn't tell you very much.. he's cooking.. okay so what? I think there needs to be more to the picture.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Breadth 5

The Indecisive Image...
Defying basic notions of what photography can be... the idea of photographic "truth".
Bruer is the most radical of the process photographers, he finds to work outside the rules.
Abstract photography can be thought of as working with accidental chances.
There are many different techniques you can use to even set up the shot such as motion blur, macro, depth of field, and shutter speed.
Abstraction goes directly from idea to object, without making reference to anything.
When using abstract photography most artists seem to stick to one theme.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Breadth 4

What i learned:
-You should take notes of the visual elements surrounding your subject.
-Backdrop is very important, there are many questions to ask yourself.
-Consider value: contrast between sublect and backdrop.
-Normally it's best to ensure that whatever you are photographing is lighter or darker than the backdrop.
-Break rules to catch viewers eye or to deliver thematic messages.
-Try not to use busy backdrops, they distracts from the image. Sometimes it's good to break the rules.
-Collect realistic and abstract shots, colorful and plain, natural and manufactured.
-Effective composition gives the eye a comftorable visual environment for exploration.